We believe that genuine community is integral to deepening your Christian walk. Small groups are a great way to develop that kind of community. A small group consists of four to five married couples or six to eight individuals who meet together throughout the week in homes throughout the area. Please take a moment and browse through our small group directory to see what group may work best for you.

How much of my time is this going to take?
In-person small group meetings last approximately 1.5 hours each—thirty minutes for snacking, chatting, and hanging out; one hour for Bible study. Online groups are often a little shorter. As small group members begin to develop community, they most likely will want to spend even more time together.
What are we going to do with our children during Small Group?
Small groups have various childcare solutions—hire a sitter for the group, have another home near the host home with a parent keeping them, adults rotate keeping the kids in a bonus room, etc.
What is expected of me in a Small Group?
Small groups are like family - sometimes you talk, sometimes you listen. No one is forced to talk or to lead the group. As the group develops, people become much more comfortable. We have discovered that people who seldom speak up in large groups will talk in small groups.