Every Sunday all KIDZ (babies through 4th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way.
We would love to see you and your family visit KIDZ MIN this Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00am.
Every Sunday all KIDZ (babies through 4th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way.
We would love to see you and your family visit KIDZ MIN this Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00am.

Look for the desk located in the foyer of our Next Gen Building. We will meet your family, check your child into our database system, and one of our volunteers will lead you and your child to their age-appropriate room.
We understand that it can be a little nerve-racking to leave your child in a new place. We want you to know that your child’s safety is one of our highest priorities. Every adult volunteer has been background checked and the next gen building is monitored by our security team.
We understand that it can be a little nerve-racking to leave your child in a new place. We want you to know that your child’s safety is one of our highest priorities. Every adult volunteer has been background checked and the next gen building is monitored by our security team.

Once we have your child's information in our system you may check-in every Sunday at one of our tablets. use your mobile phone number to find your child’s name. once you select their name and select print, you and your child will be given matching identification tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion at all times. You will keep the matching tag. Kidzcreek (nursery-preschool) will require the parent security tag to release your child.

In KIDZ MIN, it is not only our desire to speak into the life of a child, but it is also our desire to make a difference in the lives of families. Check out our family resource page to stay in touch with what your kids are discovering.

6 Weeks to Walking
We have an amazing team of volunteers who look forward to loving your little ones. The nursery room is for kids who are not yet walking and need extra attention. All our volunteer staff is trained to handle crying babies, diaper changes & feedings. Our goal is for you to enjoy the service while your child is learning how to trust our loving volunteers. The room & equipment are cleaned after every use and we do our best to make this a safe, fun and loving environment.

1 year to
Potty Trained
Potty Trained
This is not just childcare! Our awesome volunteers are here to love your kids and introduce them to Jesus. Our toddler room is for the little ones who are walking and a little more independent. Your child will have a great time playing & dancing with their friends. The room & toys are cleaned after each service. we strive to create a safe, fun and relationship building environment where your child learns to love Jesus.

3-5 Years
Our preschool room is a fun, hands-on place where kids can discover just how cool our God really is! Each week, the Bible will come to life with an incredible story; followed by interactive activities to reinforce the monthly concept. Our goal is to model Jesus’ love so your kids can experience how much God truly loves them. Our awesome volunteers are excited to watch your preschoolers grow!

K - 4th GRADE
In Kidz Live, we want your kids to love to come to church! Our awesome volunteers strive to create an environment where your kids experience God’s love & acceptance. During large group the bible comes to life in a variety of creative ways. In small group, kids will be challenged to grow in their faith through hands-on activities and games. Our goal is to model Jesus’ love & build a relationship with your child so they can begin to develop an authentic faith.
KIDZ LIVE partners with 252 Basics for our curriculum. 252 Basics provokes discovery in the heart of a child. The 252 BASICS curriculum is designed to shape identity through planting these truths in the heart of
every elementary-age child:
• I need to make the wise choice. (Wisdom)
• I can trust God no matter what. (Faith)
• I should treat others the way I want to be treated. (Friendship)
The story of God reveals the character of God. That’s why 252 Basics is organized around key Bible stories that help kids discover Jesus and reflect His character to the world around them. Every month presents a new Life App to help children discover more about God’s character. And each Life App is unpacked through a weekly Bottom Line—a short phrase so easy to remember that it can be reinforced at home throughout the week.
every elementary-age child:
• I need to make the wise choice. (Wisdom)
• I can trust God no matter what. (Faith)
• I should treat others the way I want to be treated. (Friendship)
The story of God reveals the character of God. That’s why 252 Basics is organized around key Bible stories that help kids discover Jesus and reflect His character to the world around them. Every month presents a new Life App to help children discover more about God’s character. And each Life App is unpacked through a weekly Bottom Line—a short phrase so easy to remember that it can be reinforced at home throughout the week.
The Parent Cue App cues you to have simple and meaningful faith-moments with your kid that will fit seamlessly into the DAILY RHYTHMS of your life.
Sometimes you have to miss church but your kidz don’t have to…
Jump on over to our kidzmin page for the latest story videos and parent resource.
Don’t miss a chance to have ongoing conversations to help your kids grow in their faith.
Jump on over to our kidzmin page for the latest story videos and parent resource.
Don’t miss a chance to have ongoing conversations to help your kids grow in their faith.