Intern at Sycamore Creek!

Are you ready for an awesome summer?
 Here at Sycamore Creek Church in Pickerington, Ohio we are already gearing up for an incredible 2025. And part of that is bringing on a full time Student Ministry intern! We are creating a ten week program designed for a college student to walk through and receive hands on experience teaching, leading, and organizing events for students in grades 5th-12th along with real experience being on a church staff! We are a church of 600 plus, have a weekly student ministry gathering of 60 7th-12th grade students, and a Sunday morning middle school ministry of 30. Housing is included, and we are paying $5,000 for this 10 week internship! So what are you waiting for? Apply now!!

You can expect to…
- Assist in leading a summer camp
- Plan a end of summer outreach event
- Organize After Party events
- Lead a book study
- Preaching + teaching opportunities
- Weekly meetings/check ins
- Experience biweekly staff meetings
- See behind the scenes on all church ministries
- So much more!